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Privacy Policy

I care about the privacy and security of your data. I adhere to the GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) which sets rigorous standards for the handling of private data. As part of this it is my duty to inform you of what sort of data recorded and retained by this website, and how it is handled.

Shopping cookies
The checkout process ‘remembers’ your details so that you don’t have to re-enter them from scratch when you next come to the site. The data is used for this and no other purpose than the completion of the payment transaction.

Contact form data
Information you provide via the contact form is retained for the purposes of dealing with your enquiry, is confidential and would never be shared with any third party without your explicit consent unless to refrain from doing so would violate the law (for example, if an enquirer disclosed information that gave rise to a child safeguarding concern or evidenced terrorist activity). It is dealt with according to my policy for handling clinical data as follows:

I retain some clinically-relevant client information. This is to aid my memory of work as it develops. I store the information electronically, anonymously, in a password-protected and encrypted UK-based data storage service. I receive routine professional supervision, in which some anonymised clinical information is shared in the service of maintaining high-quality clinical practice.

I keep contact details on my phone and computer so that I can get in touch when necessary. These are also encrypted, and protected with secure passwords. I do not send marketing communications.

I dispose of client and enquirer data, confidentially and securely, five years after our most recent contact.